The first week of the month saw us offering a challenge and we all made a little something with the Chocolate Baroque stamps and goodies we had been given. I made a 6" shadowbox and whilst making that I came up with an idea for my main project. I have this old chipboard house and I was planning to add some cogs and gears to the roof and make it a bit steampunky. When I finally found the chipboard house (yep, several hours rummaging ensued before that saw the light of day again) I was dead disappointed. It was just so wrong, the height, the size, the whole thing! Funny how our memories change the way something looks isn't it? Anyways. Whilst doing said rummage, I found a mini shadowbox that is about 3 1/2" square. That set the cogs whirring (haha, steampunk reference there lol) And then the cogs whirred some more.... and gradually the little shadowbox evolved into ... The Steampunk Locomotive.

You might not know this but I do love trains - comes from driving them for 10 years I reckon. Well, this little box was being transformed into a vehicle, the cotton bobbins making perfect wheels when I had this here brainwave. The Loco needed a form of propulsion! What better than a hooge propeller on the roof? Out came mountboard and a pair of scissors and almost instantly, into the bin they went. Akkk, all wrong. They needed some dimension but also needed to be swooshy. Another rummaging sesh in the box of metal embellies unearthed 3 Idea-ology Wings.... YAY! PERFECT!!!! And of course, if you have a propeller you need a windy thing to make it start to move... so the Idea-ology Clock Key was perfectomundo for this job. Then, when I popped it onto the top of the Loco it looked more than naff! So, another rummage (you should see the state of my room now!) I unearthed more treasure in the form of really old cotton bobbins, like smidgey little ones... and after gluing the propeller to the mini bobbin that I had painted silver just worked.

Faced with decorating the inside of the box came next. I had planned to do a mini patchwork inside it... and then spied a little sqaure frame that was lounging about on my desk. I quickly whacked some black paint onto that and popped it into the middle.... perfect fit but it was a bit flat. So, another bobbin was used, gluing it to the back of the box and then to the frame... and the Idea-ology Drawer Pull is actually supposed to be a window-opener (like on a Mark 3 coach) The Chocolate Baroque stamp I used was stamped a few times and layered and then I added watch bits and three ickle watch hands.

So, that was the Loco more or less finished. But then I decided that it need a buffer on the front (purist railwaywoman remember?) I had a G45 brad so that got stuck to some Idea-ology Gears and then they were stuck to another old bobbin. And of course, a buffer on one end means a tail lamp on the other... so out came a wooden cog, an old but and an Idea-ology Bulb, painted red and aged with black paint. The wheels look ok but.. .they needed something else, so I parted with 4 Hitch Fasteners (they are now discontinued unfortunately) and a bit of Ball Chain... and voila, one Steampunk Loco ready for duty. How I wish I had more of those little shadowboxes because I want to make some coaches for it now! Anyways, if you will indulge me, imagine my little Loco, clonking along, sounding a bit like Ivor the Engine and issuing smoke and steam...

That is all from me for today... don't forget that you can get all the stashly supplies I used from Snazzy's - they have their website nearly complete... all the deets are HERE if you fancy a little peek. Thanks for looking... TTFN!
**Guess what folks, in my excitement to share my Locomotive with you, I inadvertantly wished my life away and blogged a week early!!! I know!!! I reckon that Loco got me time travelling! Anyways, Astrid is showcasing her amazing art this week and I will be back next Monday (10th) with the rest of my projects!**
Hels this is superb!! Like a wonderful steampunk toy!! You MUST do carriages for it too. Then you could cover it in mini lights at Christmas, and put choccies in it for special occasions and... you get my drift. This is such a cool idea. Thanks for sharing, hugs Buttons x
This is in your own words TOTALLY-AMAZE-BALLS.. Absolutely love all the workings and trinkets used.
Amaze-big-balls for sure!!! I LOVE it!!! I want it to have a remote so it can follow me and be a pet! You are brilliant! So fun Hels!
a great idea, and so brilliantly executed! just love it! trace x
...wowzers Hels this is just awesome, loVe your steampunk locomotive...perfect...Mel :)
Fantastic piece of Steampunk
Love Chrissie xx
Great loco!!
very clever.....fab project
Hi Hels, This steampunk locomotive is absolutely amazing, I love it, I love the whirlygig on top (with the wings and key), so if you run out of coal, you can always wind it up and become a steampunk 'heli-loco'. It's FAB. Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hels, this is awesomely AWESOME!!! It is, without doubt, the cutest chuff chuff I have ever seen.
A fabulous project, love the thinking and yes i can see a train! Great use of bits and bobs. Emma
Smashing Hels! Love the whirlygig on top and the window-opener. I hope you do manage to find something suitable to make carriages with 'cos a full little train would be great.
Lesley Xx
So love the tail light and. . . . every choo choo thing about it!!
Hi Hels, Thanks for sharing your design process with us. I love how your mind works :-) Wish I could come up with funky projects like this.
Wow, wow, wow Hels, this is absolutely totes-amazeballs to use your expression. What a delight it is and I agree with Buttons, you really MUST make some carriages for it and a remote like Anita suggests - you could market it like that robo vacuum cleaner....OK so I am getting carried away - but it is brilliant!!! A x
This is absolutely amazing and I totally agree with Buttons and Redanne about the carriages..oh and I want one!!!!! Carole Z X
This is fab Hels love the three wings on the top!
Oooh lah lah! LOVE it, Hels. The three wings on top are an awesome detail... one of so many beautiful parts... did I mention I love it?
Whicked! Totally love it :)
Happy craftin
Hehe this is so quirky LOVE LOVE LOVE your locomotive. Lol @ blonde moment! x
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its fabulous - someone should make a storybook all about your little engine xx
Totally fabulous piece of quirky steampunk - so cool, and such fun!
Alison x
Totally Stunning Steam Punk at its best Hels!!
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